Some good news!

We have just had results come through from the specialist. Kezia’s latest tumour markers have dropped back to almost normal.

Prayer & Wheat Grass

As you know at easter time her red blood count dropped and she almost needed a transfusion.  Since you have  prayed, and we have been giving her fresh organic wheat grass shots every day (100mls approx) her blood count has come up to the astonishment of the doctor! .

New Webpage

Thanks for all the comments about the new webpage, we look forward to adding more and more info over the coming months.

Quick request

Things have been very difficult financially.  We would love some help to go towards the costs of supporting Kezia.  If you would like to help in this way you can either use the donate button on the webpage (no longer available) or deposit to Kezia’s bank account: Kiwibank:  (no longer available).

Thanks for all your continued prayer and support – we know you are making a significant difference in all our lives.

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2 Responses to Some good news!

  1. Mary says:

    Hey guys

    Have you considered asking for sponsorship from companies who supply wheatgrass products? You’d be amazed how many places are willing to give out their products for free if you ask the right way and apprOach the right people. If you message me the details of whether it’s particular branded wheatgrass she needs, in what form she takes it etc, is be happy to see what I can do. I got a lot of free sponsorship in the past from companies for various products right down to vitamins on my past film projects. No promises but it’s worth a try 🙂

    God bless
    Mary Sandford

    • Adrian says:

      thanks mary.

      we get fresh organic spray free grass and juice it. the wheat grass is most effective within 15mins of juicing. there are no products that can match the living enzymes needed. the only thing that could help would be an ‘automatic wheat grass sprouter’ so we can grow our own grass!

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